Welcome to Deep Learning Experiences in SCDSB

We are using this blog to share learning experiences from our classes across Simcoe County District School Board. Many of us are focusing our learning on trying to create learning experiences for our students that lead to deep learning.

For this purpose, we describe deep learning as that in which leads to students developing the (draft) Ontario 21st Century/Global Competencies including;
- critical thinking and problem solving
- innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship
- learning to learn/self-aware & self-directed learning
- collaboration
- communication
- global citizenship

Many of us also used the OECD framework Seven Design Principles of Innovative Learning Environments to help guide our work and planning. Here is an article about the 7 principles.

These are not perfect and polished examples of learning activities. They are artefacts of our learning.

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

ENG1D "To Kill A Mockingbird" Civil Rights Assignment

Student Need: To improve students’ critical thinking, by making connections between the text and world. Students will also improve their skills in collaboration and technology.  

Action: Students will make connections between the civil rights movement and Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird, by conducting research in pairs, and creating a presentation by using technology such as Office Mix or Educreation and Google Slide

Student Work: Pairs had two periods to research their topic and complete their presentations (they could have used one more period to fine-tune)

What we learned: Learned and used some of the global competencies, specifically collaboration and critical thinking.

Next Steps: Make sure students have access to necessary software (Office Mix). Learn new medium (technology) together.

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